Feng Ji
Me chilling in SF, California (fifth one from the right).
I am a psychometrician/statistician and data scientist, serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the University of Toronto. I am interested in applying advances from machine learning, statistics, and causal inference literature to answer novel research questions and improve research methods & practice in behavioral, educational, and social sciences research. I am also interested in leveraging AI and data science to improve education assessment, research, and practice (AI in Education).
I am an affiliated faculty member of the Collaborative Program in Neuroscience(CPIN), Center for Smart Learning and Development(CSLD), and Data Sciences Institute(DSI) here at the University of Toronto.
Before joining the University of Toronto in 2023, I worked as a research data scientist at Google.
I was a research psychometrician intern with the advanced psychometrics team at ACTNext, a multidisciplinary innovation unit at American College Testing (ACT).
I received my Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.